Eating Garlic Before Sleep: Good or Bad Idea?

Eating Garlic Before Sleep: Good or Bad Idea?

Eating Garlic Before Sleep: Good or Bad Idea?

Traditional medicine attributes a very important property to garlic. In fact, it seems that a clove of garlic can help solve a problem that, especially in recent days, has been common to many people. We are talking about insomnia, it would be enough to eat garlic before sleeping.

Not sleeping well can indeed be a very serious problem that should not be underestimated. Especially since sleep is important for the health and well-being of body and mind. And in this case, according to tradition, garlic could really help. But what if you eat a clove of garlic every night before bed? In this article we will answer this and other questions.


Eating Garlic Before Sleep: What You Should Know

According to popular tradition, eating a clove of garlic every night before bed can help you sleep. It would be enough to eat very little raw garlic, and especially a few hours before going to bed. Indeed, it seems that this food can lower the level of stress by stimulating serotonin instead. According to what has been reported by older generations, this food could really help when you were having sleepless nights due to nervousness.


Our advice

So here's what happens if you decide to eat a clove of garlic every night before you go to bed! However, at the moment there are no scientific theories to support this extraordinary property of garlic.

This remedy, in fact, was used by older generations to treat insomnia when there were no drugs suitable for this purpose yet. But, at the same time, it would seem that for our grandmothers this remedy worked, which is why it has been transmitted to our days.

And, therefore, especially for those who don't want to take medication and who have tried many homeopathic remedies, this could be a winning solution.


Properties and benefits of garlic

Garlic has a great medicinal reputation. Ideal for the prevention of flu, skin diseases, colds and an infallible disinfectant for the intestine. A clove of garlic is rich in very effective healing active ingredients such as allicin, sulfur, B vitamins.

Garlic also has anti-helminthic properties against roundworms and pinworms, antimucolytics, hypotensives, expectorants, digestive, carminative, antiseptic, hypoglycemic. The role of this plant in the regulation of cholesterolemia and triglycerides and in the improvement of cholesterol levels is now proven.

LDL and HDL cholesterol, i.e. between the bad lipoproteins, which facilitate the formation of cholesterol deposits in the arteries, and the good lipoproteins, i.e. those which act as tiny scavengers of arteries, eliminating harmful accumulations of cholesterol.

Garlic is also useful in chronic infections caused by Candida albicans and in those of the respiratory system. Many aphrodisiac properties for men are also attributed to garlic. Indeed, it would help to maintain an active and healthy sexuality, thanks to the positive action that it exerts on the blood circulation in general.

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