A short guide to the chakras by Ginette Blais

This knowledge of chakras or energy centers of the human body is based on the ancient knowledge of the Yi Jing also spelled Yi King ou Yi-King. This is a Chinese textbook whose title can be translated as “Classical Work of Changes” or “Canonical Treaty of Mutations” or even “Book of Transformations”. In short, when you work on your breathing and that you somehow establish contact with your energy centers or your chakras, you are transforming yourself completely and this metamorphosis is happening at very deep levels.

What are chakras?

These are seven energy centers invisible to the naked eye and which symbolically represent the 7 cried planetary The energy center of the earth plane, which is palpable and very real, does not add up: it represents matter. It is he whom we work in meditation to connect to mother Earth and to bring about whatever we desire if, of course, the other energy centers are in harmony and balance.

The spirit of each of the chakras when activated through very specific techniques serves to effectively awaken consciousness in the physical body. The tools at our fingertips to work on each of the energy centers to discover the many divine secrets, and establish a divine connection within oneself are the breath or the breath and the chakras.

Some techniques, over 2700 years old, are brought together in the practice of “pranayama yoga”. In Sanskrit, the word “prana” stands for life force, the breath — and “ayama” stands for extension, expansion, and the pause between breaths. Pranayama yoga acts on the human being in all its dimensions: physical, emotional, mental, psychological, intellectual and spiritual. Pranayama is the pause between the breaths, the mind or your thought then focuses on the retention of air, lungs full or empty.

In more down to earth terms, pranayama can be understood as an extension and embodiment of breath through breath control.


Simplified meaning of the word pranayama according to etymology:

Breathing technique to learn to control the breath. The next level is learning to master the " lengthening of breath » through more advanced techniques.       

So, the word “Prana” and “prana” has several meanings:

When referring to basic and normal breathing - I breathe in and out without really realizing it, the word prana is written with a small “p”. When he designates subtle energy which is contained in the entire universe, the word Prana is then written with a capital “P”.

In summary, “Prana with a capital P” would be the cosmic energy through which everything moves in the universe, even the planets. Prana exists in all elements: food, water, solar and lunar light, air, etc. The main points of absorption of breath or breathing are: the nasal cavities, the pulmonary alveoli, the tongue, the skin.


What are the benefits of practicing Pranamaya?

It will allow you to realize that your physical and mental/intellectual potential, as well as your emotional body, are much more powerful than you believe. It's up to us to explore your own mind.

The origin of this science of Prana and celestial bodies; physical body, mind and breath:

The ancient alchemists and astrologers were also explorers of the human mind and they used the 7 celestial bodies for self-reflection purposes: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Earth was also considered. The chart below connects the planetary symbols to their appropriate planets for reference.

Each planet is essentially a reflection of an aspect of your mind. Energy Centers called Chakras are symbolic representations of the spirit beyond what you think of as your body and outer reality. Each planet has a corresponding organ and mental archetype. If, of course, you take into account oriental alchemy, which wants the planets to correspond to each of the chakras.

Here is a chart that will help you visualize where the chakras are located on the physical body.

A short guide to the chakras by Ginette Blais

Lexicon of the 7 chakras

It is always necessary (to count the chakras) from the base (the feet, count from one to eight*, in order to go up towards the head. 

1. Chakra Racine (Muladhara)             

  • Red color
  • The Planet Saturn
  • The space between the pubis and the legs
  • Helps activate élan vital — the power of action

2. Chakra Sacré ou le Hara (Swadhisthana)        

  • Orange color
  • The planet Jupiter
  • The space between the navel and the beginning of the pubis
  • Helps activate and access creativity


3. Plexus Field (Manipura)                

  • Yellow color
  • Mars
  • The space between the breasts and the navel
  • (Helps activate feeling — intuition)


4. Heart Chakra (Anahata)                  

  • Green color
  • The planet Venus
  • The space between the breasts
  • Helps access unconditional love and ego-free self-love 
  • In this sphere of energy manifests the power of the Incarnate Word or the Divine Breath.


5. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)                          

  • Color: Purple or Indigo
  • The moon
  • The space between the two eyebrow arches (in the middle of the forehead)
  • Helps to access the higher vision - "inner eye" or "eye of the soul": it also allows access to self-knowledge.  


6. Chakra de la Gorge (Vishuddha)              

  • Color blue
  • The planet Mercury
  • The space at the level of the neck
  • Helps to access higher level communication. It also provides access to a highly inspired human language.


7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)               

  • White colour
  • The star the Sun
  • The space above the head


8. *The Earth Chakra (Brahma)      

  • Black color
  • Under the feet: the soles of the feet, connected to the sacrum.
  • The earth
  • Helps to incarnate — the person can take his place in this earthly universe: he gives himself the right to exist.
  • * In approach Yi-King he is the 8th, and he is associated with the root chakra, the 1st Chakra (Muladhara).

"The way of deliverance opens to him who dances", according to an ancient text. Also, walking is a form of mental therapy. This all refers to the soles of the feet.


Astrologically yours,

Ginette Blais

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